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الترحيب بالزوار

مرحبا بك في موقعنا ! للبحث عنا من جوجل يمكنك كتابة "فرحات المصطفى" أو "FARHAT MUSTAPHA" ! لا تنس جعل المدونة الصفحة الرئيسية لمتصفحك!

سورة الفاتحة

سورة الفاتحة
ميمي نت

آخر الأخبار

آخر الأخبار
2. قالوا عن السلم: * "لا يوجد طريق للسلام، فالسلام هو الطريق." (مهاتما غاندي) - * "من يُريد السلام يجب أن يُستعد للحرب." (أرسطو) - * "السلام هو زهرة تنمو من التربة التي تسمى الحب." (ليون تولستوي) - * أستطيع أن أكون الأسوأ دائماً، لكنني أملك قلباً يرفض جرح الآخرين. (نيلسون مانديلا) - * "نتيجة الحروب خلق اللصوص ونتيجة السلام قتلهم" (جورج هربرت) - * " كان ديكان يعيشان في سلام حتى ظهرة دجاجة" (مثل فرنسي) - * "السلام هو الأم المرضعة لكل بلد" (هزديوس) * القلب المتمتع بالسلام يرى عرسا في كل القرى" (مثل هندي)

الأحد، 11 أغسطس 2013

Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)

1.A Dream

Was it a dream? We sail'd, I thought we sail'd,
Martin and I, down the green Alpine stream,
Border'd, each bank, with pines; the morning sun,
On the wet umbrage of their glossy tops,
On the red pinings of their forest-floor,
Drew a warm scent abroad; behind the pines
The mountain-skirts, with all their sylvan change
Of bright-leaf'd chestnuts and moss'd walnut-trees
And the frail scarlet-berried ash, began.
Swiss chalets glitter'd on the dewy slopes,
And from some swarded shelf, high up, there came
Notes of wild pastoral music--over all
Ranged, diamond-bright, the eternal wall of snow.
Upon the mossy rocks at the stream's edge,
Back'd by the pines, a plank-built cottage stood,
Bright in the sun; the climbing gourd-plant's leaves
Muffled its walls, and on the stone-strewn roof
Lay the warm golden gourds; golden, within,
Under the eaves, peer'd rows of Indian corn.
We shot beneath the cottage with the stream.
On the brown, rude-carved balcony, two forms
Came forth--Olivia's, Marguerite! and thine.
Clad were they both in white, flowers in their breast;
Straw hats bedeck'd their heads, with ribbons blue,
Which danced, and on their shoulders, fluttering, play'd.
They saw us, they conferred; their bosoms heaved,
And more than mortal impulse fill'd their eyes.
Their lips moved; their white arms, waved eagerly,
Flash'd once, like falling streams; we rose, we gazed.
One moment, on the rapid's top, our boat
Hung poised--and then the darting river of Life
(Such now, methought, it was), the river of Life,
Loud thundering, bore us by; swift, swift it foam'd,
Black under cliffs it raced, round headlands shone.
Soon the plank'd cottage by the sun-warm'd pines
Faded--the moss--the rocks; us burning plains,
Bristled with cities, us the sea received.

2. A Wish

I ask not that my bed of death
From bands of greedy heirs be free;
For these besiege the latest breath
Of fortune's favoured sons, not me.

I ask not each kind soul to keep
Tearless, when of my death he hears;
Let those who will, if any, weep!
There are worse plagues on earth than tears.

I ask but that my death may find
The freedom to my life denied;
Ask but the folly of mankind,
Then, at last, to quit my side.

Spare me the whispering, crowded room,
The friends who come, and gape, and go;
The ceremonious air of gloom -
All which makes death a hideous show!

Nor bring, to see me cease to live,
Some doctor full of phrase and fame,
To shake his sapient head and give
The ill he cannot cure a name.

Nor fetch, to take the accustomed toll
Of the poor sinner bound for death,
His brother doctor of the soul,
To canvass with official breath

The future and its viewless things -
That undiscovered mystery
Which one who feels death's winnowing wings
Must need read clearer, sure, than he!

Bring none of these; but let me be,
While all around in silence lies,
Moved to the window near, and see
Once more before my dying eyes

Bathed in the sacred dew of morn
The wide aerial landscape spread -
The world which was ere I was born,
The world which lasts when I am dead.

Which never was the friend of one,
Nor promised love it could not give,
But lit for all its generous sun,
And lived itself, and made us live.

There let me gaze, till I become
In soul with what I gaze on wed!
To feel the universe my home;
To have before my mind -instead

Of the sick-room, the mortal strife,
The turmoil for a little breath -
The pure eternal course of life,
Not human combatings with death.

Thus feeling, gazing, let me grow
Composed, refreshed, ennobled, clear;
Then willing let my spirit go
To work or wait elsewhere or here!

حالة الطقس في مراكش

الثقافة السّمخية والكائن السمخي تأملات وخواطر عن الكتابة الكائن السمخي أولا: "الكتابة السمخية" 14. الكتابة السمخية والنكاح. الجزء الثالث: النكاح في الثقافة الإسلامية

1. أشهر مؤلفات الفقهاء في النكاح فطن رجال الدين لأهمية الحياة الجنسية عند الإنسان المسلم، فكتبوا العديد من الكتب تتعلق بالجنس تنقل لنا خبرات...